Mighty Writers

Volunteer Roles

Writing Mentors (virtual, hybrid, or in-person)
Time commitment: 60-90 minutes once per week
Work one-on-one with a Mighty Writer aged 7-17 for a minimum of six months. Mentor and mentee work together to decide upon and achieve goals related to the youth’s academic, social and extracurricular ambitions.

Distribution Volunteers (in-person)
Time commitment: one 1-4 hour shift per week for 3 months
Lend your compassion and muscle to support our daily food and diaper distribution. Distribution volunteers assist with meeting and unloading deliveries, setting up a welcoming environment, engaging with community members, enforcing rules and providing upkeep.

Street Team Ambassadors (in-person)
Time commitment: one event per month
Meet our Mighty team and Bookmobiles at community fairs, high school games and/or school events. Serve as a brand ambassador, advertising MW programming, providing event support and distributing fliers, information, books and more.

Writing Assistants (in-person)
Time commitment: one 1-4 hour shift per week
Be a one-on-one homework tutor or teaching assistant. Volunteers may also assist during snack time, outdoor play and activities. In the summer, assistants work daytime hours during camp.

Learn more here: https://mightywriters.org/volunteer/