United Way of Chester County Offers a Referral Incentive for its Mobile Home Tax Reassessment Program

First 100 people who refer a person successfully will receive a $10 Wawa gift card

Do you know someone who owns a mobile home in Chester County? United Way of Chester County will be offering $10 Wawa gift cards to the first 100 people who refer a person who successfully completes the Mobile Home Tax Reassessment application. There is no limit per person, and it is open to all Chester County residents. Offer is only valid until June 30, 2021.

“Our goal of completing 500 successful appeals this year is ambitious, but we are determined to help as many of those in need as we can,” said Christopher Saello, President and CEO of United Way of Chester County. “By adding this incentive program, we are hoping to not only meet our goal, but possibly exceed it.”

Partnering with Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania, LCH Health and Community Services (previously known as La Comunidad Hispana) and local food pantries, the Mobile Home Tax Reassessment program offers assistance to mobile home owners in Chester County to file property tax reassessment appeals.

In just two years, the United Way Mobile Home Tax Reassessment program has made great impact:
• Assisted in 510 successful appeals
• Lowered these 510 mobile home assessments by 70% from $18 million to their actual assessed value of $5 million
• Saved each mobile home owner an average of $966 on their annual taxes
• Collectively saved these mobile home owners $4.9 million over the next 10 years that they should have never owed to begin with if not for a flaw in state tax code.

What is the process to apply?
To be considered for the 2021 reassessments, call United Way of Chester County at 610-429-9400 to make an appointment, or visit www.UnitedForMobileHomes.com and fill out the 2021 Reassessment Form. The referrer will be contacted after August 1 once the completed assessments have been submitted. Please have the client include your name and number for the referral.
Once the form is complete:

• United Way of Chester County will contact the client to schedule an intake appointment with a representative from Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania. The deadline to fill out this form is July 10, 2021 as the Chester County Reassessment filing window is May 1- August 1.
• A paralegal will complete the forms and will contact the client for their signature.
• A volunteer from United Way of Chester County will take photos of the home for documentation.
• All forms will be submitted between May 1- August 1, 2021 to the County Reassessment Office.
• Clients will be notified of the results of their reassessment appeals in October 2021.

United Way of Chester County and its partners will do all the work and pay the fees on behalf of the homeowners in the program. To learn more about the Mobile Home Tax Reassessment project, view a video about it, participate in the project or make a donation to support it, visit www.UnitedForMobileHomes.com or call 610-429-9400.