Live United In Music
featuring Mike YungNovember 19, 2019 ~ 5:30pmHosted by Penn Oaks Golf Club Tickets are still available!All proceeds benefit the work of the United Way Financial Stability Center. For more information, visit
A Message From Friends of United Way
We are so grateful to have community members and volunteers like Beth Briglia work with us at United Way. Take a look at why Beth, Exec V. P. at Chester County Community Foundation and longtime United Way Community Impact Team Leader, values the work of United Way in Chester County.
Now is the Time to Give!
Please consider making a donation to support Chester County United Way Community Impact Fund. Every dollar that we receive increases our ability to make an impact on the lives of Chester County residents. You can make a gift online below, or send a check made out to “UWCC” to 495 Thomas Jones Way, Suite 302, Exton PA 19341.
Who is ALICE?

Chester County United Way and United Way of Pennsylvania recently held a presentation on the ALICE study. Over 40 local non-profit organizations were in attendance to learn about ALICE and how we can help those who live at or below the survival budget (37% in PA) move along a path to financial stability. Special thanks to Maggie Livelsberger for the presentation and Chester County Library for hosting. To learn more about ALICE in Pennsylvania and Chester County, you can visit here.
ALICE is an acronym for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed, and represents households that earn more than the Federal Poverty Level, but less than the basic cost of living in Chester County (the ALICE Threshold).
Is Your Business Prepared?

Join us for our Business Continuity and Disaster Preparedness Workshop where you will learn about the emergency response system in our region and the importance of preparing your agency for a business interruption. You will also learn how to identify gaps, prioritize services, and receive tools and technical assistance for developing or strengthening your Business Continuity Plan. Time/Date: December 6, 20198:30 am – 11:00 amChester County Public Safety Training Campus137 Modena Road, Coatesville, PA
This is a FREE event but registration is required. To register, click here.
United Way Named America’s #1 Favorite Charity

Chester County United Way is thrilled to share that United Way was again voted America’s favorite charity by two top philanthropy trade media publications – Chronicle of Philanthropy and NonProfit Times.
“While the methodology behind the two lists may differ, the undeniable takeaway from both is that United Way remains the mission of choice for everyday people-and many of America’s largest corporations-who want to support stronger communities and help those in need.” To read to entire article, please click here.
Leadership Chester County Hosts Annual Poverty Simulation

The poverty simulation is an important interactive learning experience in Leadership Chester County’s (LCC) curriculum. In this session, the LCC class and their guests experience first-hand many of the challenges facing low-income individuals as they struggle for financial stability using the systems designed to alleviate hardships. Participants develop an understanding of the realities of living in poverty, how generational and individual cycles develop and the challenges faced to break out toward self-sufficiency.
This year had 64 participants, including LCC students and alumni, students and instructors from West Chester University School of Nursing, nonprofit and government agency staff members, and others from the community.