Today, Chester County United Way joins United Way Worldwide (UWW) in announcing a refreshed brand that reflects the organization’s reach and impact as one of the world’s largest and oldest privately funded charities. As part of this global rebrand, the organization will now be known as Chester County United Way. While their name has evolved, they remain the same United Way you know—committed to building stronger communities and helping nearly 110,000 people annually in Chester County.
“The global brand refresh is a significant milestone in our organization’s 137-year history and represents our commitment to evolve and innovate in order to meet the changing needs of our communities worldwide” said Angela F. Williams, president and CEO of UWW. “It signifies our organization’s longstanding journey, while also embodying our transformative approach to remain relevant, sustainable and impactful now and in the future.”
United Way’s global brand refresh effort comes at a time when data reveals a decline in the proportion of Americans who volunteer or contribute to nonprofit organizations. Through this renewed strategy, United Way aims to spur greater engagement and action among the public and reinforce what United Way stands for, how it’s different, and why audiences should be engaged with the work of United Way. Underpinning the revitalized brand are four impact areas – youth opportunity, healthy community, financial security, and community resiliency – that highlight United Way’s expertise and unwavering commitment.
“By aligning with the global brand refresh and strengthening our connection with the global network, Chester County United Way will be even better positioned to address the unique needs of our local community, creating meaningful change for individuals and families,” said Christopher Saello, President and CEO of Chester County United Way. “This new branding approach amplifies the impact we’re making, especially as we celebrate our 80th anniversary this year. For eight decades, Chester County United Way has been a dedicated partner in building a stronger, more resilient community, and we’re excited to continue this legacy under the refreshed United Way brand.”
As part of this effort, United Way is also launching a new campaign theme, “United is the Way™.” This theme transforms the United Way name into a powerful call to action, encouraging communities to unite and create a bigger impact together. The updated visual identity symbolizes United Way’s dynamic presence in communities worldwide, including right here in Chester County.
The refreshed brand will be implemented across all communication channels, including an updated website. Chester County United Way is confident this evolution will further inspire engagement and support, continuing its legacy of making a difference for another 80 years and beyond.